Gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 januari 2019
IEFBE 2804
7 dec 2018
EUIPO - BHIM - OHMI 7 dec 2018, IEFBE 2804; (Anne Frank Fonds tegen Anne Frank Stichting),

Uitspraak ingezonden door Bas Kist, Chiever.

Woordmerk Anne Frank Stichting ingetrokken, naam slechts gebruikt als verwijzing

EUIPO Cancellation Division 7 december 2018, IEF 18174; IEFbe 2804 (Anne Frank Fonds tegen Anne Frank Stichting) Merkenrecht. Zie ook Volkskrant. Verzoek tot intrekken woordmerk Anne Frank gedaan door Anne Frank Fonds. Anne Frank Stichting heeft verwezen naar de naam, maar heeft de naam niet als zelfstandige merknaam gebruikt, waardoor het in vijf jaar niet "normaal" is gebruikt. Verzoek tot intrekking toegewezen.

The evidence shows different types of use of the words ‘Anne Frank’. In some documents, this name is used as a reference to a person who is the subject matter of that particular item. This is the case with some of the documents in Annex 1 (the comic book ‘Das Leben von Anne Frank’ which describes the life of Anne Frank, the DVDs ‘The short life of Anne Frank’ and ‘Anne Frank Remembered’, which also describe the life of Anne Frank), the documents related to Anne Frank travelling exhibition and other exhibitions (Annexes 3, 4, 15 and 18), the teacher’s material entitled ‘The Life of Anne Frank – the graphical biography’ (Annex 6), the books in Annex 11 such as ‘Education about Anne Frank; an idea book for education purposes’, or ‘Anne Frank Guide Pédagogique’ and the book ‘Anne Frank; une vie’. As regards such use of the name Anne Frank, the Cancellation Division endorses the conclusions of the Paris Court of First Instance that such use is not a trade mark use of the words ‘Anne Frank’. Consumers will perceive the name in this context as a mere indication or illustration of the content of the books, DVDs and exhibitions which are built around the story of Anne Frank. They will not perceive the words ‘Anne Frank’ in this context as a badge of commercial origin of the publications, DVDs or exhibitions but as an indication of the subject matter of the publications, DVDs or the exhibitions. It follows that the words ‘Anne Frank’ are not used as a trade mark in this context.