Gepubliceerd op woensdag 6 augustus 2014
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Violation de l'article 10 de la Convention

Cour eur. D.H. 10 juillet 2014, IEFbe 949 requête 48311/10 (Axel Springer contre Allemagne)
La Cour dit qu'il y eu violation de l'article 10 de la Convention. Summary: The Fifth Section of the European Court of Human Rights forcefully reiterated the importance of freedom of expression in the political sphere in the case of Axel Springer AG v Germany (No.2) ([2014] ECHR 745)(French only). The Court held that the German courts had erred in finding that an article commenting on the circumstances in which the former Federal Chancellor of Germany had put an end to his term in office had overstepped the limits of journalistic freedom.
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