Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 december 2015
IEFBE 1619
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Twee strepen op mouw of onder bepaalde hoek op broekspijp niet onderscheidend

Gerecht EU 15 december 2015, IEFbe 1619; T-64/15; ECLI:EU:T:2015:973 (Twee strepen op broekspijp) en T-63/15 ECLI:EU:T:2015:972 (strepen op mouw)
Merkenrecht. Shoe Branding verricht een merkdepot voor twee parallelle strepen op een broek / mouw. Dit wordt geweigerd op absolute gronden, vanwege het niet onderscheidend vermogen. Het patroon is extreem eenvoudig, aanvrager heeft ook niet aangetoond dat onder een bepaalde hoek plaatsen van de lijnen onderscheidend vermogen geven aan het patroon. Het beroep wordt verworpen.

20      First, as the Board of Appeal correctly observed in the contested decision, the pattern concerned is extremely simple which, as such, lacks a distinctive character (paragraphs 22,  32 and 33 of the contested decision).
21      Second, the Board of Appeal was also correct in considering that the applicant had not established that such a pattern would acquire a distinctive character from the fact that it was affixed, at a certain angle, to a specific part of the pants (paragraphs 24 to 26 and 28 of the contested decision).
22      Contrary to what the applicant maintains, the fact that the two stripes in question are placed along the lower lateral side of a pair of pants, that they are distinct lines that seem to come alive when the person who wears the pants moves and these lines are inclined relative to the axis of these pants is not likely to distinguish that pattern from other purely decorative patterns which can be used on the products at issue.

Uit de mouw-zaak:

29 Moreover, accepting that any geometric shape, including the simplest one, has a distinctive character because it is affixed to a particular portion of the sleeve of a sport shirts would result in some manufacturers being able to appropriate simple, primarily decorative, shapes, which must remain accessible to all, except where the distinctive character of the sign has been acquired through use.