Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 maart 2014
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Tussen advertising en real estate diensten zit een overduidelijk verschil

OHIM 24 maart 2014, oppositienr. B 2170648 (inzake VK International)
Beslissing ingezonden door Jan Smolders, Dohmen advocaten. De diensten van VK SEGUROS in klasse 36, waar onder real estate affairs, wijkt overduidelijk af van de diensten in klasse 35, waaronder advertising, waarvoor het depot is verricht. De oppositie, gebaseerd op het Spaans merk "VK SEGUROS" en gericht tegen beeldmerk "VK INTERNATIONAL", wordt volledig afgewezen.

a. The services: The contested advertising is, therefore, dissimilar to these services. (...) They are not in competition nor complementary. Consequently, these services are dissimilar. (...) Since the applicant’s advertising has no relevant points of contact that could render it similar to the opponent’s real estate affairs, these services are considered to be dissimilar. (...) Neither the purpose nor the nature of the services in dispute is similar. Therefore, these services are considered to be dissimilar to all the opponent’s services in Class 36.

B. Conclusion: Since the services are clearly dissimilar, one of the necessary conditions of Article 8(1)(b) CTMR is not fulfilled, and the opposition must be rejected.