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Gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 november 2020
IEFBE 3145

Studiedag AIPPI Belgium op 3 december

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to our yearly Study Day on Thursday the 3rd of December 2020.

The theme is: Patents, Trademarks, Cost & Compensation in IP Disputes – Recent Developments.

Please find enclosed the detailed programme, practical information and registration link. (The registration software is hosted by AIPPI International. It is possible that some of the language used automatically appears in Dutch on your computer. In that case, we apologize for the inconvenience).
We look forward to your participation!

Feel very free to share this information with your colleagues and contacts!

Very cordially,

André Clerix (BNVBIE / ANBPPI) & Dominique Kaesmacher (AIPPI Belgium)