AIPPI/BVA-studiedag van 20 april

“Platforms, Internet access providers and IP enforcement”, Brussels 20 April 2018, Hilton Grand Place, One day Conference
Platforms and internet access providers play a key role when it comes to enhance the enforcement of IP rights in a digital environment. A number of legislative documents in this respect have recently been delivered or are about to be delivered, both at EU and Belgian level. Moreover, the case law has considerably evolved, while the various stakeholders have made significant progress in several respects. Therefore, the Belgian groups of AIPPI and ALAI have decided to join their forces in order to set up a conference on this topic. The presentations will address successively the recent legislative and jurisprudential developments (by EU and Belgian officials as well as magistrates), some major legal issues such as liability and non-liability related remedies (by academics and lawyers). Representatives of Right holders (trademarks and copyright), Platforms and Access providers will share their views and experiences addressing both the practical needs and specific legal issues. Lees verder